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We Couldn't Do it without You

Temple Shalom depends on your generosity to remain financially healthy. There are many ways in which you can express your generosity. You can make donations online using the links below, or contact the Temple office at 732-566-2621 to discuss supporting the Temple. If you wish to pay by check, please mail directly to our accounting firm at the following address. Also, if you use the bill pay option of your bank please set the remit to address to the following:

Temple Shalom of Aberdeen
P.O. Box 418
Montvale, NJ 07645

Please indicate in the memo line what you are paying for so your account is properly credited.

If you have an account, be sure to login above before making your donation.

Other Donations/Dues


Use this link  -  to make a Giving Tuesday donation 

Use this linkto make a High Holiday Appeal donation or pay voluntary additional dues

BrotherhoodSupport Brotherhood

WTSSupport Women of Temple Shalom (YES fund)

Use this link - to donate to A.R.Z.A, Renaissance or the Youth Group 

Use this Link  - to donate to Tzedakah 



Grocery Gift Cards

Gift CardsPurchase gift cards for local grocery stores, and support the Temple.


Memorials & Simchas

Links in green can be ordered online here. Contact the office for other donations.

Stained Glass Window - Donation $5,000
A special gift to honor a Simcha or remember loved ones.

Tree of Life - Donation $175
Honor special family occasions with an engraved leaf on the tree bearing the name of the person honored.

Pews - Double Seat $300 or Triple Seat $450
Recognize a Simcha or memorial with a plate affixed to a pew.

Friday Night Oneg Sponsorship - Donation $75 minimum
Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, engagement, marriage, Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

Memorial (Yahrzeit) Plaque - Members $225 / Non-Members $325
The traditional way to memorialize those who have passed away.  Names read from the pulpit on their yahrzeit each year.

Tree for Israel Certificates - Donation $18 per tree
A gift with special significance that helps the restoration of Israel’s forests.

Pavers of Support - Donation $275 per paver
Honor your family, friends and loved ones with an engraved paver in the Temple Courtyard.

Prayer Book Fund Book plates may be purchased for $25. Maintains prayer books for our Synagogue.

Funds   Click here to donate

There are several well established funds that you can choose to direct your contribution.  The following named funds have a minimum $10 donation.

Alan J Malinger Rock Shabbat Fund: Supports Rock Shabbat and other special music programs.

Alfred Sackerman Memorial Garden Fund: Supports maintenance and beautification of the garden at the Temple’s main entrance.

Burton J. Jacowitz Social Justice Fund: Provides one merit-based award annually to a Confirmation student who attends the L’Taken Social Justice Seminar of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism.

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund: Cantor’s discretion

Edward M Miller Pastoral Care Fund: The Edward M Miller Pastoral Care Fund provides materials and support to assist in pastoral visits. 

Israeli Scholarship Fund: Helps Confirmation class members pay for a URJ-sponsored trip to Israel.

Larry Sadja Memorial Fund: To provide funds for the beautification of the sanctuary and the building.

Lear-Winograd College Connection Fund: Helps to keep in contact with higher education students living away from home.

Lee Gura Music and Choir Fund: For support needed by Cantor and Choir.

Michael Henry Memorial Children’s Fund: Assists financially needy children in pursuit of Jewish experiences.

Mitzvah Fund: To support various areas of need in the Temple.

Natalie Rubin Family Caring Fund: Helps fund activities and support groups needed by Temple families through the Caring Community.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund:  Rabbi’s discretion.

Religious School Enhancement Fund: For special programs to enhance Religious School education.

Ronald Arnold Youth Fund: Supports Temple Youth programs.

Saul Sahner Library/Education Endowment: To provide financial support for the library and to encourage and support research and scholarship.

Scholar-in-Residence Fund: To assist in securing appropriate scholars to participate in the annual Scholar-in-Residence program.

Shalom Cares: To provide Shabbat meals and/or other items to bereaved families and to those who are coping with serious illness.

Wallace H. Steinberg Family Education Fund: To provide funds for Family Education programs.

The William and Harriet Kossin Memorial Backpack Buddies Fund: To support local school children to end hunger, one backpack at a time.

Yiskor Donation: General donation to the Temple in memory of a person's yahrzeit.

Click here to donate

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785